Friday, February 27, 2009


you heard me.
[I'm a copy cat]

Chrysanthos - He's a sap for anything involving romance. He tries to act tough, but is a softy on the inside. It'd be cute if there was a girly that was sweet and gently. C: I think it'd be sooooo cute! ;A;

Galen - I adore Galen and want some epic!plots for him. I think I want him to have a sibling relationship with one of his sisters like Ryder with Heron. He'd die for one of them if there was a situation like that.. It'd be interesting if he met a femme that leads him on, and when he thinks he likes her, he finds out she has a mate or is with someone else. I want the eevee to be young though. o 3o NOT NO OLD FART LIKE KRUSHZ.
Krushz: I heard that. >:C

Lee - I loooove Lee as much as Galen. Srsly. 8D I'd love anything to happen to him. He loves adventures and I really don't care what gender his mate is. His mate just will have to want only a small family like he does. [He was from an accident... He comes from a large family, sorta. Cheeko and Spinia's family and Aasta and Yin's if you go far enough. C:] He's the runt of his family [or so I like to say] and doesn't know much of his family well. ^^;

Agate - Agate is bubbly like her "immature" sister, Kiwi. [Not an insult, but Kiwi will always be happy and stuff since her mind is younger than her siblings] Agate is strangely the only one not named after a fruit. .____.; Lime teases her ocassionally about it. Anyway, I want her to find a boyo that perhaps corrupt her. I dunno. Dx; I just want her to lose some of her innocence/mature/grow up and have Citrus and Chase freak out a little.

Laefie - She's my new ditto. I want her to find a mate. Nuff said. 8D *hasn't developed her personality so yeaaah*

Machiatto and Freja - They're cousins though you could prolly consider them siblings. I both want them to find mates, I don't really care what gender.

Brun - Last but not least for now. He's innocent like Agate though he's has his taste of heart break. [He liked Kawa but she and Baird. Yeaaaah.] I'd love for him to find a girl. It'd be interesting if she was dominating. xD;


  1. Chase: I OBJECT!!!!

    80 *shall debate on some of these but knows she should hog you* XD;;;

  2. XD

    Citrus: ME TOO! D<

    In your entry, any of these are willing to be friends. SRSLY

  3. XDD Haha~ Maybe I shall then.

    I feel like Lemon and Machiatto could get along as friends or something. From what I've seen soemthing about their personalities click a little... Not sure if I'd want to take it further. I'm not looking to throw her into mateship just yet, but...

    I shall think on some more... Yes... =D

  4. Machiatto and Lemon for a roleplay sounds good. =D We'll definately RP them~? THEY NEED FRIENDS IN THIS WEIRD WORLD.

    Machiatto: wtfnothx

  5. YES! YES THEY DO! So that's one planned roleplay.

    Lemon: *stares at Machiatto* You don't want friends...? *seems more curious then shocked*

  6. 8D Yesss! *excited* I'll prolly have a dream telling me who we should RP. YEAAAAH! >8D

    MAchiatto: Why would I? They bring you down. >\



    Lemon: *blinks* Why do you say that?

  8. ME TOO

    .......OMG HE IS.

    Machiatto: *shrugs* You become friends, then they expect you to help them do this, and talk to them allll the time. *yawns* Being a toxeon makes you kinda lazy and don't care.
