Wednesday, January 7, 2009

:: Sniffle::

Few things make me cry when it comes to cinematics

1. the end of What Dreams May Come when they decide to be reincarnated so they can fall in love all over again

2. This line from The Music of the Night: " You alone can make my song take flight"

3. "All I ask of You" ...the whole thing

What makes you a weeping willow?


  1. Mean teachers. *SHOT*

    Umm... Looking at a thank you card my neighbor/grandma gave me about six months she passed away for a book I gave her.. She loved it so much but was never able to finish reading it before she passed away.. ;3;

  2. OKAY THAT ISN'T A MOVIE. BUT OH WELLLL. >>; Movies dun make me cry very often..

    I do remember this one movie about this girl that boxed... And in the end, the champion got angry 'cause she lost so she hit the girl really hard with a chair or something and hospitalized the girl.. And her coach felt so guilty because he loved her and felt like it was his fault. Dx And she was doing everything she could to end her life so she didn't have to suffer anymore...And so he cut her life support and bought this bakery that sold like, lemon pie since that was what they planned to do. I cried and bawled like a baby.
