Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I posted the umm... Plots in my journal at EE. o 3o I included a tiny bit of tidbits for one or two of the pets.

I'll prolly sleep tonight and come up with some more. C:

Note to self: Dinny and Holly in clan. Maybe. Still thinking on it.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


If anyone makes a trainer, I'll make art of it. C:

I had a crummy day like Stormy. Today is now March. Meaning the month my grandpa I treasure and loved died..

So whose hyped up about Pokemon:Platinum?! I'm preordering it tomorrow [or so I hope]]!! That Giratina figure will look lovely with some of my other Pokemon/Digimon figures. *_*

I've been really itchin for some hardcore paragraph RP. I'll have to answer some RPs tomorrow. Hehe..

I really need to do some hard core plotting. >O;; So yeah. PLEASE?
Mrrrgh. I'm at my dad's house today. I don't like it here. v_v And I pretty much feel like crud... For a lot of reasons. Not just cause of my dad's house. And I mean a lot as in more than like two. Which is not good. x_X;; THERE ARE TONS OF REASONS! TON!

I feel like I need to get some emotion out and don't know how.

My little sister finally fell asleep.... We giggled for a while for stupid crud. I share a room with the youngest over here. I miss my room in my other house. I could listen to music there....

It makes me happy to know I have a place to escape to... ^-^ Internet friends like DJ, Tekki, Taki, and Angel are great~ They always make me happy... I just hope they realize how awesome they are. 83 Which reminds me~ DJ drew me an awesome pic of my trainer. Ooooh~ I'm definitly going to keep my trainer that way now. I love DJ's style. DJ can do a lot that I wish I could... Eh heh. XD;

I've been playing too much TWEWY today. I'm much better at that game after a long while that I beat it. I actually get the strategy more... In a way it's even more fun. =0

I went to an indoor pool today... Nah, didn't swim. I entertained one of my sister's friends who couldn't get her hands on a swimsuit. She kept insisting that she was a senior and I was the "frosh" when it's the other way around and we talked about how seniors think they're the overlords of the school and are made at her grade for not fearing them. XD; It is tradition at my school for the seniors to have a little bit of fearful respect. My sister's grade has too much attitude and my grade just fails however. Haha. I really don't care though... I had a mango smoothie. Mango makes me happy.. My Dad asks stuff that kind of offends and hurts me sometimes. He's all like, when he's lending me money "You'll give me the change back, right?" Like I never do and.... I don't know... It's like he expects the worst in me even though I've never done anything to hurt him. >< It makes me sad... it stresses me out.

Crud... I just remembered I had planned to take some English notes today for Hamlet, but I forgot all about it. D<;; So stupid....

Mrrrgh... my roleplay partner outside of gaia lost her computer due to a virus. V___v;; I'm sort of wondering though... GAAAARGH! I want to hear from her. DX;;

My whole day has been curdy. If I didn't have Skylar and my internet friends I'd probably be miserable. Terribly miserable.

I really should of gone to bed a while ago. That's another thing. I seem to have trouble going to bed when I should. Even on school nights. .___. It's starting to worry me...

Man... AP exam is coming up soon. I'm scared.... >< AP Gov is so hard....

;~~~~~~~~~~~~~; I should... pull up one of my plots...

I was thinking the other day... what if a group like team rocket came and kidnapped some of the eevee kits? I mean, come on, oddly colored eevees has to make some kind of profit? Then some of the trainers could go with their pokemon to save them... That'd be fun. Really fun,...

I like to escape into roleplays and plots and stuff.

....I'm really happy Sunday's tomorrow. I'm going to be home then. Things will be better... I'll be happy again and a much better person. I'm not myself when I'm here.... Or at least I don't think I am....

TOMORROW THINGS WILL BE GOOD! IF THEY ARE NOT I'LL GIVE TEKKi, ANGEL, ANGEL AND DJ 5k EACH! D< 20k.... *sobs* It better be good.... *is serious*

Friday, February 27, 2009


you heard me.
[I'm a copy cat]

Chrysanthos - He's a sap for anything involving romance. He tries to act tough, but is a softy on the inside. It'd be cute if there was a girly that was sweet and gently. C: I think it'd be sooooo cute! ;A;

Galen - I adore Galen and want some epic!plots for him. I think I want him to have a sibling relationship with one of his sisters like Ryder with Heron. He'd die for one of them if there was a situation like that.. It'd be interesting if he met a femme that leads him on, and when he thinks he likes her, he finds out she has a mate or is with someone else. I want the eevee to be young though. o 3o NOT NO OLD FART LIKE KRUSHZ.
Krushz: I heard that. >:C

Lee - I loooove Lee as much as Galen. Srsly. 8D I'd love anything to happen to him. He loves adventures and I really don't care what gender his mate is. His mate just will have to want only a small family like he does. [He was from an accident... He comes from a large family, sorta. Cheeko and Spinia's family and Aasta and Yin's if you go far enough. C:] He's the runt of his family [or so I like to say] and doesn't know much of his family well. ^^;

Agate - Agate is bubbly like her "immature" sister, Kiwi. [Not an insult, but Kiwi will always be happy and stuff since her mind is younger than her siblings] Agate is strangely the only one not named after a fruit. .____.; Lime teases her ocassionally about it. Anyway, I want her to find a boyo that perhaps corrupt her. I dunno. Dx; I just want her to lose some of her innocence/mature/grow up and have Citrus and Chase freak out a little.

Laefie - She's my new ditto. I want her to find a mate. Nuff said. 8D *hasn't developed her personality so yeaaah*

Machiatto and Freja - They're cousins though you could prolly consider them siblings. I both want them to find mates, I don't really care what gender.

Brun - Last but not least for now. He's innocent like Agate though he's has his taste of heart break. [He liked Kawa but she and Baird. Yeaaaah.] I'd love for him to find a girl. It'd be interesting if she was dominating. xD;

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Yeah, that's right. I'm actually going to post here now. I know, right? It's only been like... A MONTH.

I have roleplay fever right now... seriously~ I like want to start like a major, huge roleplay or something or plot for my eevees. D: Especially Bast. You all have like, no idea how inspired I am by her.

Bast - She's named after a female rp character of mine... well.. it's not really an rp character. More like a backround character but an awesome one who is the reason for a lot of conflict in one of my major roleplay character's past. She's going to be fun. She'll probably be a heartbreaker among other things.

Sky - I plan to make him go run off on an adventure when he gets a little older. He's kind of grumpy like his mom, but his more rebelious.

Jacque- I need ideas for him. D<; I kind of want him to fall in love and have it not work out at first.

Narumi- He's kind of a jerk. I think he just needs a friend to show him the right path. He doesn't really get what he does. D: So.. yeah..

Asuka- Needs to hatch... .

Okay, *cough* Enough of that....

I'm getting stressed out lately. I have to much hanging over my shoulders. Geh. AP Goverment is a big commitment. DX;; Not good for a senior.


Lemon: She needs to meet someone... I'm not sure about romance just yet. I want that to be natural with her. It'd be nice if she got a close friend though.

Kiwi: HYBRID ROLEPLAY YOH! >0 She needs to meet soemone like her!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New pet YAY!

we got a snake : O he is a rosy boa (our first snake was also a rosy boa...we miss you ivory) and he looks just like the one above. His name is Jasper and he is the sweetest thing :D very calm and very pretty! He should grow up to be about 3 feet long. If we see one, we might get him a girl friend ;) but for now it's just Jasper. I'll put actual pics of him up next week.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Doggie Sparky

I edited the glowy eyes and his nose some

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Why can't we just be happy and STAY happy? Why is it that when things seem to be going swimmingly everything has to blow up in your face? : (

this has nothing to do with al. just other things

Thursday, January 29, 2009

HOLY COW Old Skool : O

Yeah...i know...I'm lame D:

Oh yes
Can this be true?
Tell me, can this be real?
How can I put into words what I feel?
My life was complete
I thought I was whole
Why do I feel like I'm losing control?
I never thought that love could feel like this
and you've changed my world with just one kiss.
How can it be that right here with me
there's an angel?
It's a miracle...

Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent...
A little more time
On you...
(A little more time, yes he did baby)

In all of creation
All things great and small
You are the one that surpasses them all
More precious than
Any diamond or pearl
They broke the mold
When you came in this world
And I'm trying hard to figure out
Just how I ever did without
The warmth of your smile
The heart of a child
That's deep inside
Leaves me purified

Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep (and deep)
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent...
A little more time
On you...
(on you, on you, on you, you....on you, on you, on you, you..) ohhh...
(on you, on you, on you, you....on you, on you, on you, you..) yeah...

Never thought that love could feel like this
and you changed my world with just one kiss.
How can it be that right here with me
There's an angel?
It's a miracle...

Your love is like a river
Peaceful and deep (peaceful and deep)
Your soul is like a secret
That I never could keep
When I look into your eyes
I know that it's true
God must have spent...
A little more time
On you...
(on you, on you, on you, you..)
God must have spent...
A little more time
on you
(on you, on you..you....you..oooh..yeah)
A little more time
on you...ohhh


wow...dunno why this last semester had to be so hectic. i'm so busy that the little moments i have to myself i just veg out and stare at my computer screen or fish tank. my brain doesnt want to do ANYTHING. i have at least two things due every week and i needed all my books this semester. i'm hoping i dont screw anything up in a way that makes it so i cant graduate :( that would SUCK. im so close to being done!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Random Tid-Bit

I can breed these babies on wajas if anyone wants one?

knives mud and collar
lucky number 7 gen. carries butt fly wings :P

OH and i has puffer fish...5-o-dems

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So my chocolate gourami died today not too long ago. I might try another...only if its like UBER good lookin though. She was a cute little thing. I tried.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Shane may be getting a girlfriend.

Said possible girlfriend is someone i hate.

I don't feel well.

My chest hurts.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hey Lizzy~

Stormy: .... D: How much would I have to pay you to make her a randomly colored eevee?
DJ: Umm idk owo
DJ: I'd have to ask Lizzy

Stormy wants to give a present to someone. o 3o;
What price range should I give her?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

:: Sniffle::

Few things make me cry when it comes to cinematics

1. the end of What Dreams May Come when they decide to be reincarnated so they can fall in love all over again

2. This line from The Music of the Night: " You alone can make my song take flight"

3. "All I ask of You" ...the whole thing

What makes you a weeping willow?

Wah! :: Err.. Edited

**IGNORE**Mmk. So. My internet is down. It might be back today, it might not, I have no idea. But I can still use my phone to IM people and whatnot. So either way, I should be doing work with this little time I have left.

So, I love you all, will see you later!**IGNORE**

Nevermind what's up there. However, i will be busy the next couple weeks as I try to pick up my history grade, and my english grade, and my precal grade. XP

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yay for Mocha

i don't wanna booger up my serious fish blog with my excitement but Mocha is still doing really well! :: happy dance :: i'd take a better pic of her if she stood still but good luck with that XD shes an active little cutie pie. <3 trying to get her to be a little more fat because she is so flat and skinny but i don't know if this is her fishy build or what.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I'm considering a hiatus......

But I don't want to take one. :/ *SIGH*

......Well maybe I should quit/take hiatuses froma few colorist jobs. I dunno.

Lizzy, do you still want to do breedings with me in January? Or was it Febuary? >> I can't remember.. My schedule of days off of school are..

Martin Luther King Day - Jan 19
Mardi Gras - Feb 23-25 [Monday-Wednesday]
Spinr Break [Technically Easter break xD] - April 10-17
Shcool Out - May 22...? Unsure since we had hurricane days. Might be May 27.

So yeah, if you have any ideas for an event.. [Easter, V-Day..] Just IM me? <3
OH! I has an idea. xD We could do breedings on V-Day~ Can be all romantic ha ha =D I did that last year.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I made hot chocolate with blocks of chocolate and a little cocoa powder and really had a craving for cookies. I decided to just LOOK at recipes and I found this REALLY good lookin one. Al raves about the black forest German chocolate cake and these cookies are based off of it.

Black Forest Cookies

1 (11.5-ounce) package milk chocolate morsels, divided use
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup butter, softened
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 (6-ounce) package Ocean Spray® Craisins® Cherry Flavor Sweetened Dried Cranberries
1 cup pecans or walnuts, coarsely chopped

1. Preheat oven to 350ยบ F.
2. Pour 3/4 cup morsels into an uncovered large microwave-safe bowl. Set remaining morsels aside. Microwave morsels for 2 minutes on high. Stir until chocolate is smooth.
3. Stir in brown sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla. Add flour and baking powder, mixing until thoroughly combined. Stir in remaining morsels, cherry flavor sweetened dried cranberries and pecans.
4. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12 minutes or until cookies are puffed and set to the touch. For a firmer cookie bake for 14 minutes. Cool on cookie sheet for 2 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.

Makes about 2 1/2 dozen cookies.

If anyone tried it LEMME KNOW! :3 And If i try to bake em I will let you guys know how they came out.


Some of my eevees need mates. XD Plottage, y/y?

Mainly want plots for:

Laefie - my ditto

Chrysanthos - my brawleon. He's pink. I want a MAAANLY/tough girl for him. 8D<3


:O *no idea what I'm doing cause I'm lame like that*

Friday, January 2, 2009

Let's get this party Started! 8D

...like it says.


Username to Blog Names Conversion..

Tekkianna ----> Tekki [Tekki]
Lish ----------> Liishy Bug [Lish]
Kaila ---------> Goddess Mickayla [Micky]
Skittles -------> Happy Skittles Lizzy [Lizzy]
Dee Jay ------> Dark-Jagan [DJ]

In case anyone is confused. O:

Stupid Muffins! D<

No, I like bagels, darn it! Or maybe donuts...

Howdy, y'all!

It's me, the girl you all know and love. Starting a blog with some of my best friends and what not, letting this thing be a happening spot for us all to just chill and partay! :]

Alright, 'nuff of that. Toodles! ♥

This was MY IDEA! <3

I'm Liz
I'm the brains behind this lovely blog. Thought it would be an awesome idea for a bunch of friends to play around with. <3 I LOVES YOU ALL!

Welcome to eGirlFriends!

Hahaha! 2nd post! -shot-


Welcome to the new blog~~

Umm, I guess we can post about our life and/or EE stuff.
I'll prollly use this more for EE stuff. :3

Hope we have fun!